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This is a test post...

The best part about this is that I will likely never go back and delete it. If you're reading this... Comment "wahooo!" On a post on my Twitter! LOL

Art Styles: My Internal Struggle

9/9/18, 4:52 PM

If you follow me on almost any social media outlet you are probably already pretty aware of my struggle with finding "my style". This...
Discovering Hope: A Short Story

8/29/18, 3:14 PM

She leaned her body hard against the wall behind her. Her body shook as bitter tears burned through her eyes and poured down her cheeks....
Half-Cocked but Back in Action!

8/29/18, 3:20 AM

First, I need to start off by thanking EVERYONE who showed me support and encouragement when my digital art tabled stopped working....
The Broken Tablet: My Tale of Woe

8/27/18, 4:03 PM

If you follow me on Twitter, you already know that I lost my tablet to the creativity gods yesterday. It was a pretty devastating blow,...
Art & Site Updates for July

7/24/18, 2:23 AM

I realized it had been awhile since I had actually posted a worthwhile update on here. Obviously leading to the creation of the post...
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