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New Self Portrait: I impressed myself

I know I was just talking about artists being hard on themselves, and how I'm struggling with my own style and blah blah blah... HOWEVER, I just fucking colored a linework I was already pretty happy with and the result has fucking blown my mind. I impressed myself. I may never achieve this level of awesomeness again. I know that I'm sure as fuck going to try. I already have a um... person in mind to use as reference to see if I can do this twice in a row. I went all out with the toned pattern for the full comic book effect. Can you tell what industry I'm dying to be a part of?

I've been Busy Making Art & Content!

5/19/22, 6:16 PM

I want to make sure that I'm keeping everyone updated on my progress with art and content creation!
Vague Sort-Of Almost Announcement Post

1/25/22, 12:57 AM

I'm about to make some pretty dramatic changes to the way that my streams and videos will look going forward. I wouldn't call it a total...
What Joseph Linsner Means to Me

12/5/21, 3:30 PM

I hope you're ready for a gushing fan girl post, because that's what this is going to be. I have such a deep and longstanding respect and...
Hey You! Guess What!?

12/5/21, 1:46 AM

Ko-Fi Membership Tiers are Here! As you may have noticed, by now, I have recently made the update to Membership Tiers over on my Ko-fi...
I Love My Watercolor Sketchbook

7/21/21, 5:21 PM

A short tale about making smarter paper choices for my art.
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