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Insomnia: Part One

Why am I naming this post ''Part One"? I get random bouts of imsomnia pretty often. So often that I am predicting more of these posts. When they get to the higher numbers, I'll give them their own category. The Nonsense This blog is mine. So I have chosen to document my struggles with #insomnia in here as well. Hopefully it doesnt chase off readers. Obviously I don't want that. I also do not want to pander so hard that it stops being fun for me. I should be asleep. I have work tomorrow. I have taken melatonin. I have set my devices to night mode and yet still i lay here in sleepless frustration. Even as I type this I am laying in bed on my phone. Which makes everything slow and tedious. #thestruggleisreal Why Hashtags? So, I went with WIX to build and host this website. They legit recommend using hashtags in posts to help with SEO or something. If it backfires I will freak out. Anyway... Goodnight.

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