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I hate Mornings...

“People who get up early in the morning cause war, death and famine.”
― Banksy , Banging Your Head Against a Brick Wall Every single time my alarm goes off I cringe. I don't enjoy waking up. It's especially bad if I have managed to clear my head enough that whatever I am dreaming of is better than reality. Of course, here lately, my mind has been my worst enemy so it's hit or miss as to how much better or worse my subconscious can really make things. I'm sure that on mornings where insomnia has kept me awake far longer than it should have are the worst of them. I mean, I'm coming into the day sleep deprived, that would make anyone a little cranky. Right? However, I'm also pretty sure that lack of sleep isn't always the reason. I just hate mornings. What is "Morning"? The dictionary plainly defines "morning" as "the period of time between midnight and noon. Which seems simple enough. I particularly find the "Similar-sounding words" section of the definition enlightening. The word for the start of the day, sounds the same as the word for grieving. That makes absolutely perfect sense. Every single time I wake up in the morning a immediately begin a process of mourning the sleep I wish I was still getting. Adulting is Hard.

I've been Busy Making Art & Content!

5/19/22, 6:16 PM

I want to make sure that I'm keeping everyone updated on my progress with art and content creation!
Vague Sort-Of Almost Announcement Post

1/25/22, 12:57 AM

I'm about to make some pretty dramatic changes to the way that my streams and videos will look going forward. I wouldn't call it a total...
What Joseph Linsner Means to Me

12/5/21, 3:30 PM

I hope you're ready for a gushing fan girl post, because that's what this is going to be. I have such a deep and longstanding respect and...
Hey You! Guess What!?

12/5/21, 1:46 AM

Ko-Fi Membership Tiers are Here! As you may have noticed, by now, I have recently made the update to Membership Tiers over on my Ko-fi...
I Love My Watercolor Sketchbook

7/21/21, 5:21 PM

A short tale about making smarter paper choices for my art.
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