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I'm a professional Amateur.

There is a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson that has always really resonated with me. Every Artist was First an Amateur. I strongly believe that no artist is ever truly done learning and growing. I feel that part of the fun of being an artist is the way we observe the ever changing world around us. That being said, it stands to reason that if the world is always changing that we, as artists, would too. Personally, I only consider myself a "professional" artist because I have been, and am frequently, paid to provide my artistic services or have my artwork purchased in print from my merch store. I also still consider myself an amateur. Perhaps the word student would be more accurate. When I say that, I mean that I'm always learning. I honestly don't even feel like I have a particularly recognizable style to speak of. I'm working on that. Are you an artist that feels the same way? Let me know in the comments.

Tips for Avoiding Creative Burn Out

6/28/22, 10:14 PM

Tips and tricks on how to keep yourself feeling passionate and energized when it comes to working on your creative projects. Working as a...
We've Expanded the Shipping Area

6/18/22, 6:18 PM

In addition to having to make sure that shipping charges are applied accurately to the correct items, I also have the sole responsibility...
The Shop is Going Strong

6/17/22, 10:12 PM

Things with the digital storefront are going pretty well, all things considered! I've been adjusting the pricing margins and adding...
First guest column~!

6/15/22, 1:25 AM

As a duly appointed representative of the city, county and state of Cringe, I am hereby ordering you to gaze it wild wonder at the first...
Postcard Prints are Here!

6/7/22, 10:27 PM

I'm making a push to get my artwork into as many hands as possible. The best way to do that? Make it super affordable! That's why I'm...
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